Friday, September 02, 2005

Fremont Living

Here's my Blog!

Mich and I went to Hawaii about 2 weeks ago to visit my nephew Wyatt...

Okay, this is a really old picture, but it's all I got right now. Kid is running around drinking 'gi' (that's water in pidgin) and loving french fries. We had no idea at what age you start feeding your baby 'people food', but apparently at 1.5, he likes everything. I guess fries and chips taste good at any age.

Anyway, he's little for his age - doesn't make the chart for height or weight. But man, does he have a big head! 75th percentile. I'm surprised he can even balance. My sister believes his big head is due to all the brains stuffed in there. maybe...

Mich's sister just had a kid too...
Name is Evan Takeshi Ho.

Blurry photograph - not my fault. Was chastised for too much flash photography in his face, so you get grainy no flash piccs.... At least I didn't blind him. And how do you blind someone who's eyes are closed anyway?

Looks a little tired, so just like mom and dad. He's like 1 day old in this picture, so still brand new! Still got the tags.

And here is my baby -
That I was actually trying to sell, but no go. the civic is gone tho...

Trying to pare down to 3 cars or less. 1.5 per person.

Anyway, this is just a test - peace.

Hawaii 5-0-8

So we decided to go to Hawaii (Oahu) to visit my nephew Wyatt, who is 1.5 yrs old... There is the Fujikawa family...
I found he is still a big fan of the cheerios. Also of bubbles...

Lisa and Keith already have put him to work raking leaves and cooking. Where's the child labor laws in Hawaii?

Anyway, he is so advanced, he is already reading! Here he is reading Michelle's novel.

And he is also a big fan of crate and barrel packaging.

Anyway, it was nice to see him, along with Keith and Lisa in their big hot house.
Thanks Lisa and Keith for taking us around all weekend!